Announcing (drums) the winners for this year’s edition of the Trader of The Year

Dear participants of this year’s edition of the Trader of the Year,

The wait is over and our Trader of the Year 2017 is…. Semangat, from Indonesia, with $1,096,420 in equity, who wins:

· $5.000 live trading account with Swissquote
· 1 lifetime subscription to EdgeWonk
· 1 Signed Manchester United T-Shirt

But there are other winners, 3 in total. Continue reading Announcing (drums) the winners for this year’s edition of the Trader of The Year

Top 10 2017: News, Analysis and Live Video Shows

Today, we continue with our Top 10 Content published on our website! It includes the most read and viewed content by our online users during the year that it’s about to end.

Continue reading Top 10 2017: News, Analysis and Live Video Shows

Top 10 2017: Educational Articles, Analysis Contributors and Economic Events

As one of our traditions, our Top 10 is back! Today we want to share with you our most read Educational Articles and our most checked events in our Economic Calendar. Have a look!

Continue reading Top 10 2017: Educational Articles, Analysis Contributors and Economic Events

Elizabeth Beluguina and Zaheer Anwari, new Premium speakers

We are very excited to announce that two new speakers will now be teachers of our Premium Webinars service! They both have extended experience as traders in the currency markets and as educators.

Elizabeth Belugina

Elizabeth Beluguina / Head Analyst – FBS

Trader and analyst with more than 6 years of financial markets experience, Elizabeth Beluguina relies on her technical skills but always combines technical analysis with a thorough review of the fundamental picture. She is a frequent host of seminars and webinars on currency, commodity and stock trading. Check all her content on FXStreet

Continue reading Elizabeth Beluguina and Zaheer Anwari, new Premium speakers

Joseph Trevisani interviews Valeria Bednarik

As every Wednesday, Joseph Trevisani will present an edition of his series of interviews called “Market Directions” with the most experienced analysts, educators, technicians and traders of the currency market.

This week, Joseph Trevisani’s guest is Valeria Bednarik, Chief Analyst at FXStreet. You can register now!


Continue reading Joseph Trevisani interviews Valeria Bednarik

Forecast 2017: Live Video Special Panels

At FXStreet, we want to invite you to very special live panels, two panels that all Forex traders should attend to understand the upcoming trading year. Plus: they are free events! 


Continue reading Forecast 2017: Live Video Special Panels

The U.S Election Day is here – FXStreet’s coverage

As November 8th gets closer and closer, the United States is up and ready to make a decision that might change history and for sure, it will affect to currencies and global markets. The countdown to Elections is on and at FXStreet we want to offer you the best quality information for the big day on real-time.

After 8 years as the President of the U.S, Barack Obama farewells the White House to make way to the new candidate. Who will win the U.S Elections? With FXStreet, you will. 

Continue reading The U.S Election Day is here – FXStreet’s coverage

Meet the Live Video Speaker Ed Ponsi

ed-ponsiEd Ponsi is recognized worldwide for his work as a trader and educator. Managing Director of Barchetta Capital Management and President of FXEducator, Ponsi has been part of FXStreet since 2006 as one of our Premium speakers.

In this interview, he explains us a bit more about himself and his Webinar about his new book called “Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations”. Remember, watch Ed Ponsi‘s Stop losing money with technical analysis Open Webinar on October 4 at 13:00 GMT. Continue reading Meet the Live Video Speaker Ed Ponsi

The Fed faces new decisions – FXStreet’s coverage

On Wednesday the Federal Reserve will meet once again to propose new choices that might affect the global economy. The Interest Rate decision is one of the main points to discuss which it has become one of the most wanted data to financial markets.

As a Forex trader, you might be asking yourself: what effect does it have on currencies and my trading strategy? If so, keep reading.

blog-640x200 Continue reading The Fed faces new decisions – FXStreet’s coverage

Get ready for the NFP report with Valeria Bednarik

Every first Friday of the month, the US Non-Farm Payrolls is scheduled to release the most important data about the currencies moves where markets are more volatile than any other news event. The US Jobs Report outlines the health of the US economy and central banks, which in consequence it means everyone on the planet is impacted by NFP.

And once again, on Friday the date will arrive to our calendars.

Continue reading Get ready for the NFP report with Valeria Bednarik