What we’re reading: China’s stockmarket; How to create a new currency; Trading Leverage

Our Content Team members share articles to one another all the time. Here is a selection of what they’d recommend you to read.

Ivan DelgadoIván Delgado – Chief Editor

What’s behind China’s stockmarket roller-coaster ride?

Irrational exuberance, a phrase used by the then-Federal Reserve Board chairman, Alan Greenspan, when referring to a market that is over-valued, could well be a line that accurately describes the current state of affairs in the Chinese stock market, not only by its prolonged rally out of touch with fundamentals, but also because is now openly seen as ‘a casino without rules’. Pretty much the same feeling I have when driving along the roads in any sub-developed Asian country, be it Bali, where I live, a good illustration. Bikes not respecting traffic lights, people not wearing helmets, kids riding bikes… Extrapolate the Bali road chaos but in Chinese equity markets, that’s the picture I get in my mind after reading the article and witnessing day in and day out irrational wild swings. Continue reading What we’re reading: China’s stockmarket; How to create a new currency; Trading Leverage

Fundamental analysis and News analysis concept with Nenad Kerkez

NewspapersWe’re bringing you an exclusive “Monthly Webinar” with Nenad Kerkez on June 30th. He will focus on fundamental facts and major news releases which can affect the movement of the price and how to trade those movements.

This is a two-part webinar (one hour each part).

The first part of the webinar will explain major fundamental facts and news data which traders should be paying attention to during trading hours. This part is open to all users for free. You can already register! – This part is sponsored by Stock.com

The second part of the webinar will be reserved for 2 exclusive modules used for PNT concept. Continue reading Fundamental analysis and News analysis concept with Nenad Kerkez

The Forecaster, Martin Armstrong at FXStreet: part 2

Recording Martin Armstrong Interview As already covered in an earlier post in this blog, we had the rare privilege to receive Martin in our Barcelona offices for a one-hour interview. Martin Armstrong, once a financial strategist and advisor to over one trillion dollars of assets, developed a computer model based on the number Pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. Continue reading The Forecaster, Martin Armstrong at FXStreet: part 2

Hamish, FTA student: From a diverse career, to a diversified portfolio

Hamish, Student of the FTA CourseA few days ago, my colleague Gus Farrow told me about Hamish’s nice story. Hamish is a student of the Financial Trading Analysis (FTA) short course that we developed together with University of Essex online. Here is his experience.

Hamish was part of our very first cohort on the FTA. Despite having never worked in the financial sector, growing up in New Zealand, a commodity driven economy, instigated his interest in markets and understanding supply and demand. Continue reading Hamish, FTA student: From a diverse career, to a diversified portfolio

A few drops in the (New Light) India ocean

New Light IndiaJust a short post today to let everyone know the results of the FXStreet T-shirt campaign, whose profits will be donated to New Light India, an NGO that FXStreet supports. We’ve sold 83 t-shirts and the profits after costs are $475, which have already been donated to them. Continue reading A few drops in the (New Light) India ocean

Pictures of the Live Trading Day in Barcelona

FXStreet co-organized a conference last week a Barcelona, the Live Trading Day, that we announced in this blog. The event was a nice experience of trading, learning and experiences sharing!

Here is a selection of the pictures we took so you can have a visual taste of it!


The Forecaster: Martin Armstrong at FXStreet – Part 1

Martin Armstrong. If you’ve never heard of this most than atypical person, it’s never too late.

Armstrong developed the Economic Confidence Model that has forecasted major political and economic events many years in advance. Armstrong proposes that economic waves occur every 8.6 years, or 3141 days, which is Pi X 1000. The accuracy and precision of his predictions, together with is in-depth understanding of currency and macroeconomics, are really impressive.
Martin Armstrong FXStreet office Barcelona

Our colleague here at FXStreet, Gonçalo Moreira, CMT and currency trader for many years, has been following Armstrong’s since 2009.

When Gonçalo learned that Martin would come to Barcelona for a Q&A after the screening of a documentary about his life (“The Forecaster“), we immediately tried to get in touch to meet Martin in person. Being his first trip ever to Barcelona, we simply could not miss him. Continue reading The Forecaster: Martin Armstrong at FXStreet – Part 1

Limited Offer on our Forex DVD’s

DVD discount secretHey! Psssttt… we offer up to 55% discounts on our Forex DVD’s to celebrate the Live Trading Day, an event that FXStreet co-organizes in Barcelona!

The page to buy the DVD’s with the discount is in Spanish… but anyone in the world can buy the DVD (whose content is in English) during a few days. It’s a limited offer! So do not think twice.

Go and buy Rob Booker, Chris Capre, James Chen or Walter Peter’s DVD at a very interesting price now.

Oh, and here is a hint: “Comprar ahora” means “Buy now”  and “Más info” means “More info” (so you can check what topics are covered in each DVD set) 😉

Live Analysis Room: Happy 2 years!

LAR 2year Anniversary

Our Live Analysis Room is celebrating today its 2nd anniversary! 730 days and almost 450 interviews after its launch, our free service has grown and changed in its schedule and segments, but not in its core concept: build a strong community of traders and put them in daily contact with professionals of the markets, through the eyes, experience and support of Dale Pinkert, the anchor and soul of FXStreet’s Live Analysis Room.

To celebrate this anniversary, we’ve prepared a special line-up of interviews plus live coverages and special events that will take place during one week starting today: Continue reading Live Analysis Room: Happy 2 years!

Día de la Fruta: Fruit for everyone

Día de la FrutaEvery Wednesday morning it’s “Día de la Fruta” at FXStreet Barcelona. Day of the fruit. A fruit seller from the Boquería, the famous food market of the nearby Ramblas, comes to the office with a box full of fruits of the season.

Our CEO, Carolina May, came with the idea in April 2014. You have to know that for many years now, our team members bring chocolates and sweets Continue reading Día de la Fruta: Fruit for everyone