How to take profit of Trump’s Presidency: FXStreet event

As Donald Trump will take the office at the White House on January 20, FXStreet has prepared a Panel discussion to cover this big event that for sure will make history. 

If you want to know what effect will have the Inauguration of the President-elect from the US on financial assets and on your Forex strategy, keep reading! Plus: It’s a free event.

Continue reading How to take profit of Trump’s Presidency: FXStreet event

Forex Forecast 2017: What’s next in currency markets?

After the Panel Discussion organized at FXStreet on December 16, we want to provide you further content to help you to understand what topics will be the main trends this 2017. Here you have those special reports. 


Continue reading Forex Forecast 2017: What’s next in currency markets?

Forecast 2017: Live Video Special Panels

At FXStreet, we want to invite you to very special live panels, two panels that all Forex traders should attend to understand the upcoming trading year. Plus: they are free events! 


Continue reading Forecast 2017: Live Video Special Panels

The US Elections Panel: How to trade Presidents

FXStreet presents the US Election panel discussion, in alliance with ForexLive and Princeton Economics International, that all Forex traders should attend to understand the US Elections and its impact on financial assets. Plus: it’s free!


Continue reading The US Elections Panel: How to trade Presidents