In the coming days, we will welcome two important and close collaborators of FXStreet… one, Richard Olsen, in the virtual world (Live Video on Youtube) and the other, Yohay Elam, in the real world (speech in Barcelona).
Richard Olsen – Thursday October 1st – Live Analysis Room
In our Live Analysis Room, Dale Pinkert will interview Richard Olsen, an economic researcher in high frequency finance known as the co-founder and former Chairman of OANDA. He will discuss the blockchain technolog (the distributive ledger technology that underpins Bitcoins), a word that has been in everyone’s mouth in the financial services firms these last months. Does it have the potential to disrupt the industry and affect how Forex traders operate? We’ll hear Richard’s thoughts. We will also talk about his general vision of the future and his new company Lykke whose ambitious project is to create a global FX marketplace, where “traders will be able to trade at ultra-low cost and will not be captive to any one broker. They will be able to transfer their assets at any time”, as he explained to Leaprate in a recent interview.
Richard Olsen was a speaker at FXStreet’s last International Traders Conference in Barcelona in June 2012. He was also one of the “Visionaries” we interviewed in 2011, when he already talked about his idea of one centralized exchange.
Do not miss Dale’s interview with Richard tomorrow on our Youtube channel!
Update on October 2nd: you can now watch the recording of the interview.

Yohay Elam – Wednesday October 7th – Barcelona
We organize every month meetings of traders with a speaker guest in several cities around the world. They are the FXStreet Sessions. In Barcelona, we usually do them in Spanish, but our guest in October will exceptionally making his presentation in English. Yohay Elam, founder of ForexCrunch, will be talking about the EURUSD which has been moving parts on both parts of the Atlantic. He will begin by discussing the long term fundamentals that move the pair, its recent developments and future.
Yohay now lives in Barcelona. He’s been working with FXStreet for years, contributing with content of all sorts: webinars, reports, forecast, live coverages… His site ForexCrunch is among the most followed by currency traders.
If you are in Barcelona and want to see him next week (it’s free!)…