Giuseppe Basile live on FXStreet: ‘Thinking and trading like modern algos’

On June 19th, Giuseppe Basile, (Founder, Trader, Technical Analyst and Mentor FibStalker Trading), will be live on our special Monthly Webinar to talk about “Thinking and Trading like modern algos“. It will be a live webinar and it will be divided in two parts, the former free of charge (13.00 GMT/09.00 am EDT), and the latter Premium (15.00 GMT/11.00 am EDT). The first part of this webinar will be focused on how forex market price move, comparing it with how the average trader thinks the market moves. Program Trading, a major class of algos that strongly influences modern markets, will also be analysed. This first part of the webinar will end investigating the stages of a trader, what is trading all about and choosing consistency and risk acceptance.

Register for this webinar

Continue reading Giuseppe Basile live on FXStreet: ‘Thinking and trading like modern algos’

Seven new contributors join FXStreet Market Analysis

It’s time to have a look at the new traders and experts who have joined our Analysis section in order to give their view regarding what’s going on in the Market. In the last weeks the new companies and independent contributors that have become members of our club are:

Continue reading Seven new contributors join FXStreet Market Analysis

Interviews with Forex Market Top Executives in iFX EXPO International Cyprus 2014

At the iFX EXPO hosted in Cyprus last month, Dukascopy TV, in collaboration with FXStreet and ForexPeaceArmy, interviewed 28 top managers of Forex companies present at that B2B event, of which FXStreet was media partner. Here is the interview made to Alain Broyon, from Dukascopy Bank, and below you’ll find the list of all the interviews for you to watch.

Continue reading Interviews with Forex Market Top Executives in iFX EXPO International Cyprus 2014

Live Analysis Room’s raffle results

It’s a pleasure for FXStreet to announce the winners of the raffle that commemorates the 1st Anniversary of Live Analysis Room. They are:

  • Dustin Wright
  • Cemian

They have shared their thoughts on Twitter with the hashtag: “At the #FXroom I’d like…” during this week. As a gift they will receive a pack of James Chen, and Rob Booker FXStreet DVD’s.



Live Analysis Room’s 1st Anniversary

Live Analysis Room



On June 3rd celebrate the 1st anniversary of our Live Analysis Room (LAR).

Celebration: Participate in our raffle!

To commemorate this anniversary, June 3rd program will be very special and it will include an outstanding marathon of live analysis and interviews with trading gurus and room members. Also a FX DVD set from James Chen and Rob Booker  is going to be raffled among those attendees who share their thoughts on Twitter with the hashtag: “At the #FXroom I’d like...” from June 2nd until June 6th.  The raffle takes place at the end of the June 6th’s show. 

Continue reading Live Analysis Room’s 1st Anniversary