* From: Chicago, Illinois
* Lives in: San Diego, California
* Age: 69
* Years in the markets: 39
* Favorite currency: DXY for broad view of dollar biases
Dale Pinkert has been the host of the Live Analysis Room for 2 years and a half now – more than 540 editions already! The format of his daily show has changed througout the months, but his particular and utterly friendly style hasn’t. His personality, together with his very long experience in the markets (he sometimes refers to himself as a “dinosaur”), are the ingredients that have built a strong community of traders, who share and exchange views every day. And of course, another basic component of his successful program are the live interviews that he conducts every single day with traders, economists and analysts of varied backgrounds. That’s every weekday at 13:00 – 15:00 GMT (9:00 – 11:00 EST).
We wanted to know more about him, so you also would know him better. Here are his answers.
Let’s start from beginning… How did your career in trading start?
I started trading currencies when the CME launched the IMM division which traded currency futures on a chalkboard! My first job in the industry was as a runner for Dean Witter on the CME floor, I then passed the test to become a broker.
What is your favorite strategy to trade?
I am known for my methods of 3 Drives to a Top or Bottom using RSI. I have renamed RSI from relative strength index to “Real Simple Implicator”. I do not have a favorite pair, but I do teach that traders should get to know a few like the back of their hand. Master of one, than Jack of all trades.
What is your daily routine?
I awaken at 3 to 4am each day from San Diego to prepare for LAR which begins at 6am PST. I look at my charts, work Twitter to respond to mentions and promo today’s guest and search for others that can add value in LAR.
Explain us what you do in your daily show “Live Analysis Room” and what traders can get by attending?
LAR is a very unique platform. It is the compilation of many years moderating, leading, facilitating other trading chat rooms. In many of those the moderator/trader is the main voice in analysis and trading decisions. In LAR my goal was to create a Mastermind which happens with collaboration and sharing of ideas and views of the whole community. As I say in LAR, “This is not about me, it’s not about you, it’s about everyone.” We share ideas with screenshots of charts as a picture speaks a thousand words. I also work very hard at booking the best traders, analysts, commentators to edify the community on markets and geo events that could affect prices.
What do you enjoy most when hosting the LAR?
LAR is the best project of my career. I love literally many that I’ve met through it as well as the expert speakers I have built relationships with. Working with Mauricio is great even when we disagree like brothers scrapping on the playground 🙂 My relationship with FXStreet and the team has deepened dramatically from 6 years ago as a webinar presenter and I enjoy being part of the FXstreet family!
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All our shows are recorded. You can replay Dale’s in his archives.