Want to become an FXstreet.com Contributor?

i-becomecontributor-300We have created a new section in our About site with information referring to the opportunity to be a contributor at FXstreet.com.

FXstreet.com is always in search for new and experienced experts, traders and companies to share their research and analysis with our audience. More than 5,190,000 unique visitors visit our English website every year. Being a contributor on our website offers contributors access to that community and helps them to build a name and a reputation in the sector.

In this section dedicated to the new contributors, we explain what type of content can be shared with our users, such as publishing reports or presenting webinars. We also publicise our Editorial guidelines, so you know what content we are searching for and what is our criteria when evaluating a contribution proposal. Also, there is a form that interested Forex companies or individuals have to use to make a request of contribution.

There is finally a place where we can direct all interested contributors to join our ship and a simplified process for us to manage the request.


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