Be aware of scams! FXStreet does not award Brokers

Today at FXStreet we want to warn our users to avoid online scams. We have found out that the broker CMS Trader is spreading the news about a supposed award by FXStreet.

Beware, because FXStreet didn’t award CMS Trader as the best Broker in 2016.

Do not trust a broker that publishes scams, as CMS Trader did. It is important for any investor and trader to choose a foreign exchange broker that is based in a country where their activities are monitored by a regulatory agency. It is also fundamental to know if the broker or dealer is regulated in an on- or off-shore country, as the latter can be more liberal with registration requirements.


All types of traders need to be aware of their broker or dealer’s regulatory status and have a clear understanding of the regulatory body that governs forex activity where the selected broker or dealer does business.

Do you want to trade with a fully regulated broker? Have a look at our broker selection to trade with confidence:

Regulated Brokers

Our commitment, to the highest safety standards for FXStreet users, ensures all our recommended brokers are regulated under what we consider to be the strictest regulatory authorities.

On the other hand, FXStreet organizes the Forex Person of the Year, an award that pays tribute to a person or a team of people behind a product or service that positively contributed to make the Forex world better, more respected and more transparent during the previous year. The focus is innovation, transparency and quality. This year, Richard Olsen is the Forex Person of the Year 2016.


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