Reddit AMA with Francesc Riverola

Our President and Founder, Francesc Riverola, will do his first “AMA” on Reddit on Wednesday March 5th at 4pm CET Time (15.00 GMT – 10.00am EST).

You might wonder what on earth this means… and to be honest, you would not be the only one…

Francesc Riverola_Reddit_AMAReddit is a social news and entertainment website where registered users submit content in the form of links or text posts. Users then vote each submission “up” or “down” to rank the post and determine its position on the site’s pages. AMA stands for Ask Me Anything: anyone can post a thread inviting Redditors to ask them literally any question. Over the years, AMAs have caught the attention of some pretty big names, from Bill Gates to Barack Obama, going through popular icons as Madonna.

How does this work?

On Wednesday, at 14h30 GMT, we will open a post under Entrepreneurs: If you have a Reddit account, you’ll be able to make your questions (to register on Reddit, go here), if not, you’ll be able to read questions and answers only. The focus of the AMA will be Francesc Riverola the entrepreneur, the founder of a Forex website company in its 14th year, based in Barcelona, Spain.

So prepare your questions… and be Reddit!

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